Saturday, 16 December 2023

Managing well-being and coping strategies for stress management among youths (Part#2)

6. ME time: Me time is the uninterrupted time to nurture and nourish the mind, body, and soul. "ME" time genuinely enables feelings, thoughts, and emotions to renew and restore energy. "ME" time may be spent bubble bath, meditation, deep breathing, swimming, quiet time, and taking a nap. This "ME" time helps to prepare the mind, body and soul to reconnect with exam preparation or mood changes.

7. Gratitude practice: It is called a natural antidepressant. It supports to release of some precious neurotransmitters that improve and enrich feelings, thoughts, and emotions. The daily practice might be counting your blessings. It helps to shift the focus from what you don't have to what you have in your life. It is an antidote to whining or complaining attitude towards life.  

8. Play sport or exercise: Playing sports or regular exercises is thoroughly fused and affects mental and physical health. Sports or exercises are linked to de-stressing the mind and body. It is not only strengthens physical health but positively enhances mental health.

9. Happy hour: Everyone has 24 hours in a day. If you select and practice one hour as a happy hour in 24 hours, it may recharge, restore and renew your energy. This one hour may de-stress your mind, body, and soul and help to prepare you to reconnect with your exam preparation, and assignment and better cope with the undue pressure. A happy hour might be spent playing board games, dancing, singing, talking to friends, or listening to music.

10. Connect with nature: Nature has a variety of coatings, surfaces and expressions. It contains plants, flowers, birds, leaves, sky, rain, rivers, lakes or beaches. If you mindfully connect and observe nature, it offers you remarkably tranquil feelings and soothes your inner soul. It truly helps to connect with and find a rhythm with mind, body and soul.


Enduring the charge of mental and physical wellness and de-stressing yourself. Mental health is as important as physical health.


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